Q: Could you touch on some basics regarding controlling the environments in hospital and healthcare settings?
“The [Five Second Rule] has many variations, including The Three Second
Rule, The Seven Second Rule, and the extremely handy and versatile The
However Long It Takes Me to Pick Up This Food Rule.” ~Neil Pasricha,The Book of Awesome The
five second rule on avoiding germs and infections is the subject of
much light hearted banter, but the implications of healthcare associated
infections (HAIs) are not. Healthcare facilities are fraught with
bacteria, germs, infections, contaminated biological waste, bugs,
superbugs, viruses, and any number of options to threaten our health.
Hospitals, in their frontline role fighting disease, couldn’t have it
any other way.
The results of this simple fact are daunting.
The below chart, from the Centers for Disease Control and Infection,
outlines the occurrence of HAIs based on a CDC survey of large acute
care hospitals. Further, the CDC states that HAIs infect about 1 in 25
hospital patients every day, sometimes with more than one
healthcare-associated infection. Estimates vary, but HAIs claim the
lives of about 75,000 hospital patients during their hospitalizations,
and more than 100,000 overall – exceeding that of fire, drowning, and
accidents. More than 50 percent of all HAIs were picked up in areas
other than the intensive care unit.
Estimates of Healthcare-Associated Infections Occurring in Acute Care Hospitals in the United States, 20111
Major Site of Infection
Estimated No.
Gastrointestinal illness
Urinary tract infections
Primary bloodstream infections
Surgical site infections from any inpatient surgery
Other types of infections
Estimated total number of infections in hospitals
The new healthcare regulatory environment has focused on
readmissions, many caused by infections, and putting some bite into the
government’s bark by reducing reimbursements to healthcare organizations
reporting high levels of readmission. HAIs, by the way, account for
almost one-third of hospital readmissions, not to mention racking up a
healthcare cost of more than $47 billion.
While the vast majority
of HAIs are attributed to the lack or inadequacy of simple hand washing
- prompting many architects to strategically locate wash stations where
healthcare providers need to almost trip over them – other points of
control (or contamination) abound. Air circulation systems, surgical
suites, isolation units and rooms, procedure areas, even the magazines
in waiting areas can be rife with potential infection. What’s a hospital
or healthcare facility to do? What role does the facilities engineer
play in this challenge of epidemic proportions?
Following are some key areas every healthcare facilities professional should consider in their war on germs:
1. Housekeeping:
Any analysis should start with the low hanging fruit offering great
potential payback. Housekeeping is one of those areas. A colleague who
spent some time with a relative on the organ transplant unit at
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) related how impressed she was that
the housekeeping staff was considered an integral part of the patient
care team. MGH (affectionately nicknamed “Man’s Greatest Hospital” by
staff and patients) undertakes some of the most complicated and ground
breaking transplants in the world. But all that cutting edge medical
knowledge will fail if patients with impacted immune systems are lost
due to sloppy housekeeping.
Mary’s Regional Medical Center. In hospital ORs, the selection of all
room finishes should focus on durability and cleanability to reduce the
risk of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Credit: Sandy
Agrafiotis, Photographer; SMRT Architects and Engineers. Bacteria
and germs can hide in surprising places: one national study found that
soap dispensers – more specifically, the nozzle users press to obtain
soap – harbored more bacteria and germs than toilet seats.
line: stay in tune with your housekeeping staff, and develop an ongoing
training and monitoring system. Housekeeping plays an important role in
patient health, while impacting readmission statistics and
2. Plant maintenance:In times of tight budgets, it’s tempting to defer maintenance. Don’t.
2001 the largest historic outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease is
estimated to have sickened more than 800 in Murcia, Spain. Subsequent
investigation linked the outbreak to a hospital cooling tower.2
And in 2006, the borough council of Barrow-in-Furness in the U.K. and
the architect of the community’s Forum 28 Arts center were fined after a
trial concluded the 2002 Legionnaire’s outbreak in that community was
attributable to their cooling tower. While they were likely relieved to
be cleared of more serious corporate manslaughter charges, the cost was
much higher on many fronts than careful design and maintenance would
have been.
It’s important that healthcare facilities design to
both required maintenance and the capabilities of the institution’s
maintenance staff. Your systems (including piping, ductwork, and exhaust
of air handling, water supply systems, decorative elements such as
fountains, and your mechanical areas) should be easy to access, inspect,
and maintain.
It’s important that healthcare facilities
develop and execute a comprehensive maintenance staff training program,
and it’s important to identify all facility components capable of
transmitting or contributing to HAIs, then develop a corresponding
maintenance program.
3. Codes or a higher standard of care?:
In designing new or renovated healthcare spaces, serious consideration
should be given to the level of desired design, based upon the function
of the space, its clinical program, and the risk of HAIs. Design
identified as “best practice” earned that label through study and
clinical results. Sometimes designing to code is adequate; sometimes
it’s nothing more than meeting the minimum requirements.
4. Humidity control:Humidity
levels play a major role in maintaining health and avoiding impacts
from bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, molds, and chemical interactions.
While optimal humidity levels vary both between types of healthcare
facilities and within specialized areas of healthcare facilities, many
advocate for a relative humidity level between 40% and 60%, with
operating rooms around 50%, ICUs around 40%, and patient rooms around
your humidistats, as well as other building conditions monitoring
tools, into a Building Management System (BMS) will allow continuous
monitoring of critical conditions, provide real time alerts when systems
fall out of calibration, and reduce the risk of human oversight.
5. It’s in the air we breathe:Books
can (and have been) written on this subject, far outstripping the
editorial space for this column. Suffice it to say, the pinnacle of
superior air quality depends upon the volume of new air circulating in a
space, dilution, carefully calibrated filtration and, where
appropriate, either positive or negative pressurization. Each of these
factors will require varying parameters, depending upon the location and
use of the area. Lobby or surgical suite? NICU or cafeteria? The end
use will prescribe the air handling specifications.
While the
facilities engineer is always balancing cost, efficacy, maintenance
requirements, and a myriad of other factors in determining appropriate
systems, the brave new worlds of reimbursement formulas and liability
have added additional considerations.
6. Future thinking:The
futurists of the world are enamored with healthcare. New materials and
processes are constantly being introduced, the healthcare R&D world
is buzzing. Expect continuing developments in HVAC systems and controls,
materials including the accepted UVGI systems, copper and silver
infused products, non-toxic and anti-fungal bio-based textiles, and a
host of other new technologies and modifications to known options. While
some of these materials and systems carry a high price tag, continuing
R&D efforts are expected to bring down costs.
7. In closing:Every healthcare facilities professional, architect, and engineer should have a copy of Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities,
2014 edition, published by The Facilities Guidelines Institute. This
handy reference, all 400+ pages, includes the ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard
170-2013: Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities. You can order a copy
through www.fgiguidelines.org or by calling 1-800-242-2626.
handy tome will provide much more information, and might possibly be
the antidote you need on those sleepless nights when your mind is
pondering the challenge of keeping your facilities healthy for the sake
of your patients, staff, and the public. But remember, it starts and
ends with the patients.
1. Magill SS, Edwards JR, Bamberg W, et al. Multistate Point-Prevalence Survey of Health Care–Associated Infections. N Engl J Med 2014;370:1198-208. 2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3020623/
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